Ayurda Philosophy
Ayurda (pronounced ‘I–urr–da’) is a Sanskrit name of a very powerful Indian Goddess named “Durga” which literally translates to ‘bestower of longevity’.
Reflecting a holistic approach to beauty, our premium skin care range incorporates the wisdom of the Ayurveda philosophy. Ayurda recognises that everyone is unique – what works for one may not necessarily work for another. The brilliance of our skin care range is in Ayurda’s customised approach. Based on our understanding of your unique needs we help you to achieve healthy glowing skin.
Ayurda is the first skincare brand to link beauty to wellbeing. When it comes to looking after your skin we provide simple honest solutions. Our customised approach ensures your skin care has a balancing effect on your face and skin (not just anyone’s skin). It can change your life.
Our products are designed to enhance your personal wellbeing while dramatically improving your complexion.